InMental Health and Addictions CommunitybyMichelle Marie WarnerWhy It’s Better To Clean the Litter Box FirstWho knew cat poop would motivate meFeb 7, 20234Feb 7, 20234
InThe Partnered PenbyMichelle Marie WarnerIt’s Time for You To Surf the Strong Energetic WavesAnd ditch your old stories like an worn out pair of shoesAug 20, 20211Aug 20, 20211
InThe Partnered PenbyMichelle Marie WarnerHow Taking a Long Walk in the Forest Can Transform Your LifeAnd you can do it for free every daySep 3, 20214Sep 3, 20214
InThe Partnered PenbyMichelle Marie WarnerHow Intentional Solitude Can Work To Heal Your Emotional WoundsEven when you feel like a hot messSep 13, 2021Sep 13, 2021
InHeart AffairsbyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen The Rain Washes Your Tears AwayAnd offers healing to your broken heart.Sep 21, 20211Sep 21, 20211
InMental Health and Addictions CommunitybyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You Know This Is the Day That Life Is Going To Challenge YouRemember you’ve endured worse and ride it outOct 2, 20212Oct 2, 20212
InAge of EmpathybyMichelle Marie WarnerHow a Chance Meeting Can Help You Shift Perspective and Inspire You To Do Your BestYou’re stronger than you knowOct 7, 20212Oct 7, 20212
InHeart AffairsbyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You’re Ready To End Your Growth Period And Finally Find A Life PartnerBecause it feels better to share your love with another.Oct 12, 20216Oct 12, 20216
InHello, LovebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You Remember That You’re Created From Pure Abundant LoveAnd your loneliness begins to fade.Oct 15, 20217Oct 15, 20217
InMental Health and Addictions CommunitybyMichelle Marie WarnerHow Facebook Can Destroy Your Social LifeAnd when it’s time for an interventionOct 18, 20215Oct 18, 20215
Michelle Marie WarnerWhen Your Dead Mother Compels You To Fulfill Your DreamsLessons learned from an unfinished lifeNov 16, 20218Nov 16, 20218
Michelle Marie WarnerWhen You Have Nothing but a Blank White CanvasGrab your paints and fill your life with colorNov 27, 20211Nov 27, 20211
InHello, LovebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen They Served You Crumbs and You Wonder Why You’re So HungryNow you won’t accept anything less than a feastNov 29, 20211Nov 29, 20211
Michelle Marie Warner5 Simple Tools You Can Use To Express Your Complicated FeelingsAnd embrace your blessings in disguiseDec 4, 202112Dec 4, 202112
InHello, LovebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhy You Need To Stop Trying So Hard for Someone To Care About YouIf they want to be with you, you’ll know.Dec 30, 20215Dec 30, 20215
InMental Health and Addictions CommunitybyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen We Shed Our Old Skin and Grow More Beautiful Than EverHumans have a molting process, tooMar 3, 20224Mar 3, 20224
InHeart AffairsbyMichelle Marie WarnerWhy Hold Onto Past Exes, When You’re Ready To Let Go of Future OnesIt’s time to let go or be dragged.Mar 11, 20221Mar 11, 20221
InThe Partnered PenbyMichelle Marie WarnerHere’s What Happens When You See Your Time as a Valuable ResourceYou’ll stop being a martyr and accept what you’re worthApr 14, 20223Apr 14, 20223
InHello, LovebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You Finally Recognize That Everyone’s a Beautiful DisasterAnd you might need to knock someone off their high placeAug 28, 20225Aug 28, 20225
InThe Partnered PenbyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You Mean No, but Say MaybePeople won’t respect your “No”Sep 21, 20222Sep 21, 20222