InAge of EmpathybyMichelle Marie WarnerWhat if We Stopped Trying So Hard To Apply Gratitude To Soften the Hard ThingsIt’s okay to admit that life sucks sometimesJun 8, 20244Jun 8, 20244
InNew ChoicesbyMichelle Marie WarnerMy Special Relationship With A Snow Globe Named MariaAnd the power of an anonymous Christmas giftDec 24, 20241Dec 24, 20241
InNew ChoicesbyMichelle Marie WarnerWhat if We Stop Thinking and Look to the Skies?Sometimes all you need is a pause to shift your perspectiveJul 27, 2024Jul 27, 2024
InBlack BearbyMichelle Marie WarnerFilling My Cup With Gratitude Every Morning Helped Me See A New, Improved LifeAcknowledging what I had was like wearing a new pair of glassesAug 30, 20241Aug 30, 20241
InCulturedbyDr. Allison WiltzHow Ronald Reagan's "Welfare Queen" Trope Haunts The Black CommunityWe’re still having a national debate about deservingnessOct 7, 202422Oct 7, 202422
InAge of EmpathybyMichelle Marie WarnerHow a Chance Meeting Can Help You Shift Perspective and Inspire You To Do Your BestYou’re stronger than you knowOct 7, 20212Oct 7, 20212
InHello, LovebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You Remember That You’re Created From Pure Abundant LoveAnd your loneliness begins to fade.Oct 15, 20217Oct 15, 20217
Michelle Marie WarnerWhen Your Dead Mother Compels You To Fulfill Your DreamsLessons learned from an unfinished lifeNov 16, 20218Nov 16, 20218
Michelle Marie WarnerWhen You Have Nothing but a Blank White CanvasGrab your paints and fill your life with colorNov 27, 20211Nov 27, 20211
Michelle Marie WarnerWhat Happened When I Thanked My Daughter for ApologizingAnd told her I loved herDec 6, 20201Dec 6, 20201
InMental Health and Addictions CommunitybyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You Use Gratitude as a Guiding Force for Living a Better LifeAnd help foster resilience in teensMar 28, 2021Mar 28, 2021
InGratefully YoursbyMichelle Marie WarnerHow To Become a Writer for Gratefully YoursCalling writers for submissions about your personal wins and blessings in disguiseApr 30, 20216Apr 30, 20216
InGratefully YoursbyMichelle Marie WarnerGratefully Yours Pub is RebornYou cour sweet space thriveApr 30, 2021Apr 30, 2021