InNew ChoicesbyMichelle Marie WarnerI Don’t Care That Madonna Changed Her FaceShe’s perpetually iconic to me, filter or no filterMay 28, 20248May 28, 20248
InNew ChoicesbyMichelle Marie WarnerWe’re Going to Hell in a Handbasket and It’s All AI’s FaultLet’s not fool ourselves that it’s helping usJun 18, 20245Jun 18, 20245
InPrism & PenbyMichelle Marie WarnerThat Time I Kissed a Girl and Liked It Because I Was Attracted to HerNot because it was trendyJun 21, 20248Jun 21, 20248
InBlack BearbyMichelle Marie WarnerNo One Seems To Notice I’m Disabled, Including MeIt’s time I unpack my internalized ableismAug 23, 20249Aug 23, 20249
InContemplatebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhy I No Longer Discuss Anything New Age Related on Social MediaLet’s talk about privilege, appropriation, and fraudOct 26, 20246Oct 26, 20246
InSweary MommybyMichelle Marie WarnerSolving The Case Of The Disappearing Baby DaddyIt’s no mystery we’ve never been co-parentsNov 6, 20245Nov 6, 20245
InThe Left Is RightbyMichelle Marie WarnerI Never Thought I’d Worry About Living Under A DictatorshipBut the majority of our country voted for Trump, so now I’m not sureNov 10, 202412Nov 10, 202412
InNew ChoicesbyMichelle Marie WarnerIf You Think It’s New For Men To Claim Ownership Over Women’s Bodies, You’re WrongWe learned early on how to keep secrets to stay safeNov 12, 202411Nov 12, 202411
InContemplatebyMichelle Marie WarnerBack In My Day, We Didn’t Have Stupid Facebook ProblemsHow did I ever make social connections?Jan 172Jan 172
InContemplatebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhat Happened When Streaming Services Took Over“I’ve lost that loving feeling, now it’s gone, gone, gone…”Jan 142Jan 142
InContemplatebyMichelle Marie WarnerAre We Better Off With a Lot Less Instant Gratification?Why do we need 11 confirmation emails, anyway?Jul 18, 20247Jul 18, 20247
InNew ChoicesbyMichelle Marie WarnerPeople Are Wearing Maxi Pads on Their Ears Now?Just when things couldn’t get any weirder in the US, they didJul 21, 20244Jul 21, 20244
InContemplatebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhat Can We Do When The World Is On Fire?The first step is admitting that climate change begins and ends with usAug 5, 20245Aug 5, 20245
InAge of EmpathybyMichelle Marie WarnerMy Neighbors Never Fail to Teach Me SomethingAnd it’s always the wake-up call I needSep 12, 20241Sep 12, 20241
InContemplatebyMichelle Marie WarnerWho Said Older Women Need To Dress Their Age?Can someone get me the dress code manual, because I’m lostSep 16, 20247Sep 16, 20247
InThe Narrative ArcbyMichelle Marie WarnerWhen You Grow Up With Rich Celebrities and Poor People Living on the StreetsAnd one of them was my motherDec 4, 202349Dec 4, 202349
InThe MemoiristbyMichelle Marie WarnerWhy It’s Easy To Accept Homeless Drug AddictsRemembering my friend Stevie from the Casa Del Sol MotelAug 7, 202331Aug 7, 202331
InThe MemoiristbyMichelle Marie WarnerWe Need To Humanize People Who Live on the StreetAnd remember they aren’t that much different from usSep 22, 202356Sep 22, 202356
InFearless She WrotebyMichelle Marie WarnerWhy Bleeding Out of Your Vagina Is Something To Openly DiscussLet’s normalize our natural bodily functionsJul 28, 20218Jul 28, 20218
InThe Partnered PenbyMichelle Marie WarnerHow To Make the Best Use of Social Media Instead of Letting It Use YouEnjoy it as a free writing and marketing toolSep 25, 20213Sep 25, 20213